What's Tarteel Alim?

Tarteel Alim is a program that was created by the Tarteel team to allow users who can't afford the Premium subscription price to access and enjoy the Premium A.I features, wherever they are in the world. 

Similar to Quran Scholarships, the Alim program provides users with the ability to use Premium features such as mistake detection, creating an unlimited number of Goals, and unlocking the full analytics and insights tab to review the progress for their specific goals. 

The Alim program is based on the 'Pay what you can' concept, which means you have the freedom to set the amount that you think you can commit to paying monthly for the next 12 months without feeling the financial burden or pressure of paying the Premium subscription fee. 

To Apply to the Alim program, simply apply on the mobile app or via this link: Apply to Alim 


** The Tarteel team aims to ensure that all applications are reviewed within 48 hours. 

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