I can afford Tarteel Premium Alhamdulillah! How do I cancel my Alim subscription?

Alhamdulillah, if you're able to subscribe to Tarteel Premium and you no longer require the support of the Alim Program, you can cancel it yourself via the following steps:

On our Website:

  1. Log in to https://app.tarteel.ai/ 
  2. Click on "Account" in the top right corner, then click "Manage" from the dropdown or visit https://app.tarteel.ai/account
  3. Cancel your Alim subscription by clicking on the "Cancel Alim" button at the bottom.
  4. Confirm the cancellation of your Alim subscription by clicking on "Cancel Alim" again in the window that pops up.

Alim cancel.png

On the Mobile app:

  1. Go to the main menu
  2. Click on the "Account" Icon
  3. Click on "Cancel Alim Program Subscription"
  4. Click "Ok" to confirm the cancellation of your subscription



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