How do I switch from a monthly to a yearly subscription?

To switch from a monthly Premium subscription to a yearly one, we recommend cancelling the monthly one first when you are nearing the next billing cycle.

Tarteel processes Premium subscriptions through Apple and Google billing on their respective devices, and through Stripe on our website. We do not manage payments or subscriptions ourselves directly, so please follow the instructions below based on the platform you originally used to subscribe to.

To unsubscribe from Tarteel premium for:


You can then opt for an annual plan via the following:

  • From the Google Playstore if you have an Android phone or device.
  • From the Apple Appstore if you have an iPhone or an iPad.
  • From the website by visiting the link here:


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  • I am having a problem every time I want to pay with Apple ID for some reason the app will cancel me out can you find out why please


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